Welcome to Looi
Looi is a charming and engaging animated series, carefully crafted to both entertain and aid the development of babies and toddlers.
In each episode, young viewers marvel as different shapes appear from Looi the Cat’s magic box.
Looi then assembles the shapes to create one of a variety of animal toy figures. With a wave of his magic wand, Looi brings the lovable characters, elephant, giraffe, bunny, turtle, and others to life. He then embarks upon a magical adventure with each of his new friends.
Looi was born out of a desire to create a healthy, quality, audio visual experience, perfectly suited to the needs of babies and toddlers, where from the outset every care was taken to ensure that it was just so.
Looi was meticulously researched and developed for babies and toddlers, where every element has been carefully crafted, to meet the specific needs of these key ages. The original music, a key element in every episode, is built upon the basic elements of classical music (melody, harmony, and rhythm) and tailored specifically to their sensitive ears.
We love the fact that parents write to us to let us know how much their children love Looi and his friends.
Moreover, parents themselves love the fact that Looi has a calming effect on their children, where Looi often helps to calm children before bed, bath, or mealtime.
Apparently, Looi has also been known to calm many a tantrum
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